There are just some topics that cause debates to erupt no matter where you are – politics, religion, and even cats vs. dogs! Here are some funny “dog people vs. cat people” tweets. There is no need to choose a side, just enjoy the tweets and have a laugh!
It’s Not Real
When you talk to a lot of people, they often make it seem like you can’t like both cats and dogs but it is perfectly fine if you do! We promise that there is no consequence. In fact, the more the merrier.

You Are Not the Boss
So cats are more self-reliant, and therefore they don’t need as much attention as dogs. Nor do some of them want it, and this makes them a great choice for those humans that are independent as well. So to the control freaks out there, be aware of this!

This tweet is so spot on. Cats will have no issue with letting you know when they want you to give them attention or are in the mood for some love. Just remember, you are not in control of your feline!
Dress Up
How many times have you seen a person dress their pup up or talk to them like they were the next-door neighbor? Probably a lot, so @simonsinek may have a point.

We’re not taking this tweet as fact but it does give us something to think about. On the flip side, many cat lovers out there will be heard saying how cool it would be to be a cat. They have a life, don’t they?
So once again, this tweeter has made a good point that has stopped us in our tracks. There are a ton of different dog breeds, and the owners of these dogs are very happy to let you know what type of breed their four-legged friends are.

On the other hand, cat lovers will not be able to give you the breed unless they are super duper into cats which is rarely the case. This makes it seem like dog lovers are more complex creatures than the owners of cats. What do you guys think?
Hate Is Such a Strong Word
Some cat lovers get very hurt when someone says they hate their cute, cuddly furballs that have taken up residence in their hearts. This is when they begin to clap back and boy, do they clap back hard.

Though this person might actually be right because if you do indeed own a cat then you have to be prepared for just a little rejection from time to time. After all, it is their world and we just pay the taxes and live in it!
First Responder
It is true that dogs can be very heroic in a crisis as they have the size and strength to do things cats could never even imagine doing. But that is just it, cats might feel the same way and want to help but their stature prohibits it.

This guy’s cat clearly has the inkling to help his buddy out and for that, he deserves an ‘A’ for effort. Don’t you agree? Plus, the more you try at something, the higher your chances of success, so maybe one day this little feline will show us all!
The Bottom Line
In order to get a dog that has breeding on its side, you will have to shell out quite a pretty penny and dog owners don’t seem to mind. As long as they get the exact one they had their eyes on.

On the other hand, while there are cats out there that can cost you an arm and a leg, most cat owners have some rescue story as to how they found their little guy.
Each Has a Place
So it is true that each pet comes with its own plusses and minuses. But this person seems to be a dog person, and we can tell this by how one-sided this tweet is. Cats can be loyal and give tons of love too!

But the ghost thing, that is for sure only something a cat can do… So weigh out your options, think about your preferences, and choose accordingly! Truth be told, we don’t really think you can make a bad choice here.
That’s All
While we did have a good chuckle at this tweet, we don’t think the choice of pet is a way to determine who does and doesn’t like people. We believe you can be anti-social no matter the pet you choose.

In fact, if you have a dog and you have good conversations with them, why do you need other friends!? But as for whether dog people have cats, we actually believe there is some truth to this. What do you all think?
Doggy Debt
It is believed that cats choose their owners more than dogs do. Many times when you are looking to get a new dog, you are willing to go into debt to find the dog you want. In this case, the human is strategically choosing the pet.

However, a cat is often found, rescued, or finds a home they like and makes itself comfortable. This is an animal choosing a human.
Give Me My Space
Cats are standoffish to a point. Well, most of them, not all of them. So when you are a cat person, you have to develop an understanding of being okay with this trait. Because of this, we can see why, if you have always dealt with dogs, you might find this a little off-putting.

With that being said, life is all about adapting to new norms. Just like you expect your animals to understand you and put up with your many quirks, so it should work both ways. Don’t you think?
Why Not?
We try not to choose a side, but this tweet is kind of right! We have witnessed a cat person having dogs but very few dog people who take in a cat. This disparity seems strange. Why do you think this could be the case?

Maybe this is the big hurdle to lap. Dog people can’t see the worth of a cat, but a cat person understands the appeal of a pup. Seems somewhat unbalanced to us, right?!
Dietary Requirements
Some people are super serious about the quality of food that goes into their bodies, and these people are also that way when it comes to their four-legged friends. Many dog people don’t blink twice about paying a little more for food that is better for their pup.

Cat people are a little less worried about that, but even still, some really do worry about their cat’s stomachs. After all, if not, you may smell something later that will make you wish you didn’t have the ability to smell…
Economical Differences
The cost of taking care of a dog can be much higher than that of a cat. That is one of the pointers that many cat people talk about when they are trying to convince people why they don’t want a dog. But are they really that much more expensive?

They may well be, but there are cats that require special care, and they can be just as expensive. So is that really an argument? We should try not to involve money too much when considering something that we love.
Freedom of Feeling
Why is not preferring one to the other a deal-breaker when it comes to friends? You cannot like cats, we cannot like dogs, yet we can still meet up for a drink or dinner and not have to fight about which is better.

There is no right or wrong answer! Can’t we just let everyone choose the pet that makes them happy and go on with life! We don’t mean to sound aggressive but this tweet really re-lit our fire of passion.
Now Hiring
So this next tweet brings up the question of a human’s role in the cat or dog’s everyday life. According to @GinaValley, dogs need to be taken care of and controlled, while cats will take charge and treat their owners like they work for them.

This could all be true! After all, cats only really need us to clean up after them and give them food. Whereas, dogs need to be bathed, loved, and walked on top of all of that. We can see how some may think like this!
The ‘Purr’-fect Feeling
Like with everything in the animal kingdom, including humans, each pet, whether it be a cat or a dog, has its own personality. So letting one experience affect how you feel about a whole species is totally unfair!

This person seems to think that if you had ever had a cat purr on you, that thought would change quickly. Perhaps that magical feeling might just be the thing that could end the dog and cat person debate.
Know Your Friends
This person seems to have a good handle on the basic breakdown between dogs and cats. Those that have cats know they are… well, you know, a little difficult. So it’s never a surprise when someone tells them.

But you insult a dog owner’s baby, and they are ready for a wrestling throwdown. Well, maybe not quite, but they are quick to the pooches defense, that is for sure!
Types of People
In every rivalry, there is a common ground. The trick is finding it, and maybe this person has found the one for the whole cat vs. dog thing. Perhaps there is a truce to be built on these people’s shared dislike for the human species as a whole.

Or maybe that might separate them even more, seeing as how it seems that the people that they explicitly don’t like are each other! Remember guys, let’s try to make love, not war.
Leave Us Out of It
Like with any feud, sometimes it is more about the system and not the people. This is what it is like in the cat and dog world. The misconception for decades was that they were enemies, but that really isn’t the case.

In fact, dogs and cats are often seen playing and having fun with one another which combats this stereotype. The issue is the humans won’t let the rivalry die!
Childish Differences
Is there really a difference between cats and dogs? Sure there are some that have helped create all those stereotypes. For example, dogs are much needier and they need to be walked, so this has caused some owners to treat them like their children.

While cats are more self-assured and individualistic creatures which makes them more mature. But even still, those differences are not enough to keep this debate going, is it?
Don’t Believe the Stereotypes!
There are always exceptions to rules and this person wants to give clarity on that stereotype that stays that cats are not loving and friendly. In fact, she is even willing to let you babysit her cat for a little so that you can see that not all cats are the same.

Of course, there are some dogs out there that are anti-social and lazy too. Does that make them more of a cat? No, so stop telling these pets who they are! Let them be them! We know we sound like we’re preaching hard but it’s just because we’re passionate.
Feline Patriotism
One of the big things after the Presidential election is the pet the first family chooses. Why? Who knows, but for some bizarre reason, it matters. Most of the time, they choose a dog, but that trend may be perpetuating this whole cat and dog people thing.

So attempting to squash that tension by bringing both animals into that big white house is a smart move. Plus, there’s more than enough space for cats and dogs to roam freely. Perhaps this is what the country needs to “Make America Great Again!”
That’s Harsh!
Most of the time, when you talk to a cat person, they don’t dislike dogs. They just chose the cat above all because they like them more. But that is not always the case when it comes to passionate dog lovers.

Or at least that is how this cat lover feels about them. It is clear that they have had some previous bad experiences with dog owners We wonder if this is an exaggeration or if someone actually said this to them… This person sure has a wild imagination if it was made up.
Who’s More Elite?
There is almost a classist kind of line in some arguments when it comes to dogs versus cats. Dogs are looked at as the pet for the average person. Whereas many think cats are far more bougie!

But when you listen to the stories of how each person got their pet, it is often the cat story that is a little more humble. Interesting argument… we think this might be a cat lover sending this tweet out.
Each to Their Own
You know the thing about choosing a pet is that it really comes down to personal preference. Some want a more active pet, and that requires more work. While some want a pet that they will always have to do things their way.

This is not a matter of good vs. bad, it’s just a choice. There are even some people that want both. But the trick is knowing what you have chosen and being okay living with it.
Working With the “Popo”
Okay, so this person says that the fact the dogs work with the police means that they are naturally untrustworthy and will turn you in at the drop of a hat. That would mean that cats are more trustworthy, right?

Our issue with this statement is that working with the authorities most certainly does not mean that you are a traitor. In fact, more often it shows that you have a strong moral compass. With that being said, we do agree that we never see cats working with the police. Why is that?
Philosophical Differences
There are those that take the differences of the cats and dogs to all-new levels and make them quite philosophical. This person took time to really think out their dog vs. cat tweet. There are some valuable points, though.

Dogs do tend to be more obedient, and cats are willing to call you out and let you know when you are getting a little too big for your boots.
This tweet here isn’t something new that we’ve seen. We already know that dog owners tend to be more pedantic about the name of their pet’s breed than that of cat owners. However, seeing this visual representation of it is a first for us.

For us, it’s clear as day that @AGhostlerer is pro-feline and anti-canine by the way in which dog people have been portrayed. They look like angry monsters while the cat owners get a nice crop of golden hair and a beard.
First Date Faux Pas
Every now and then, you meet someone who straddles that line and loves both dogs and cats. These people might be the ones that stop this perpetual war. But if you date them, clearly you have to be careful.

This person takes her love of both dogs and cats very seriously, and unfortunately, that may lead to some questioning down at the station! Note to all, find a better conversation starter than talking about animals!
Cite Your Sources
So we are going to guess that the person that posted this is a cat person. Because we are sure that there is a dog person out there that has conflicting scientific proof. So we think in order to solve this problem, we need to make sure that the evidence being given is checked and approved.

Also, who did a study to determine the intelligence of cat owners across the country? While we do actually find the topic fascinating, we just wonder how they managed to get funding for it? We bet it was from a cat lover!
You Are Not Helping
It is hard to stand up for your furry friend when they go and do crazy things like getting stuck in the blinds. This person was passionately trying to defend his cat by talking about their intelligence and independence.

Then their cat went and did something that puts all that into question. You are not helping the case, Fluffy! Maybe next time, you can wait to be silly until after the poor guy is done making his statement!
Different Strokes
We know that many people think you can’t teach cats tricks, but that is one of those myths that have been spread that is just not true. While it may take more work, they can indeed be taught. So this person’s pro-dog tweet is not necessarily true.

Rumors like this only keep this perpetual back and forth between dog people and cat people going. Stop adding fuel to the fire guys! It’s really starting to get old.
Break it Down
When choosing your pet, you need to think about the level of companionship that suits you. If you’re looking for an animal that respects the couch potato lifestyle, then a cat is probably your best bet.

However, if you are looking for a companion to do everything with, then nine times out of ten, you probably want a dog. With that being said, the village people sound like super easy-going companions.
Make a Choice
It seems like there are a lot of dog owners that want you to choose a side. Or at least that is what it looks like from this person’s take on things. It also seems that though this person says they love both animals, they clearly prefer cat people over dog people.

We don’t think this is actually how all the dog owners are like out there, but it certainly seems like this person is making a blanket statement. Can’t we all just get along?!
Take Me to Your Leader
It is nice when someone from the other camp can give their rivals a nice compliment. This dog person admitted that there are some redeemable traits of their feline foes. Maybe they realize that the nonchalant attitude of the cats is something to aspire to?

Or maybe they are trying to make it seem like they are doling out a compliment to just make some major inferences on the cat’s character.
Evil Incarnate
This person seems to be asking why it has to be this way and he’s right! Why do you have to choose? Can’t we like both? And if not, who stands to gain something from keeping our teams divided? All good questions!

We can’t say for certain that the person or group that sparked this whole debate is villainous. That seems a little unfair but we do think that this whole cat vs. dog rivalry is unnecessary.
Give Me Love
No one wants to think about leaving their pets and loved ones behind after they depart this Earth. But apparently, dog people think that their pups will not be able to go on without them.

But cats, on the other hand, will live on. Is this really how you want to differentiate which animal is best as a pet? We think this is a little harsh of a measuring stick! Plus, all this talk of graveyards is making us feel uncomfortable.
Bad Memories
Some people may have started out loving dogs, but through one bad experience, they have grown to dislike them. Though this seems a little harsh as every dog is different, we can understand how trauma can change your feelings.

Apparently, this person doesn’t think dog people understand that. We hope that is not true. It’s unfair to think that one animal gets more of a hard time than another. We’re all about equality!
Lint Roller Anyone?
Maybe the trick to getting over this whole dog people versus cat people is to look at the similar experiences you share. For example, the frustrating issue of dealing with animals’ hair shedding everywhere.

We think this shared experience could actually do wonders. Maybe dog and cat owners can share with each other how they fix this issue. By helping each other out and meeting in the middle, this whole feud can finally be put to bed.
Some kitties are so sweet and cuddly while others, well, you just shouldn’t get on their bad side. Or at least, just don’t look them the wrong way because — as this Twitter user points out — you will get attacked. And you can forget about remorse or regret because this cat will be showing none of that.

Instead, you can expect to hear a little meow cackle. Ya know, as much as we love cats, we can understand why so many people fear them. All you dog lovers should really just stick to what you know.
Spell Check Is Definitely a Dog Person
You heard it here first, people — spell check was obviously created by a dog lover. After all, why else would Jenny’s phone automatically change anarchist to antichrist?

Not that an anarchist is so much better than the antichrist, but still, if anyone had to do with this autocorrection, we would bet it’s a dog person but a dog person who hates cats. That’s the only explanation here.
Choose a Side, Buddy
A dog may be a man’s best friend and a loyal companion, but as soon as a cat is involved, all bets are off. Twitter user @KalvinMacleod said it himself. The minute he admitted that he can be both a cat person and a dog person, his four-legged canine gave him a run for his money — or a run for his clothes, in this case.

So, as much as Kalvin doesn’t like to choose sides, we can only assume that this experience taught him a lesson.
A Perfect Representation
If you’ve ever wondered what a dog person looks like compared to a cat person, well, this photo perfectly sums it up. On the lefthand side, you see a cute pup posing with his extremely chipper owner. Judging by their expressions, this pair just loves people!

On the right-hand side, however, you’ve got the complete opposite. A fluffy cat sitting atop its owner, and they both have less-than-enthusiastic expressions. In other words, Todd’s tweet was totally accurate.
Ugh! Don’t you just hate when that happens? You’re on an app looking for new friends. You swipe onto a profile that looks promising; this person’s bio even says that they’re a total cat person. Now, considering that you love cats, you get pretty psyched and decide to reach out to this special someone.

You make a plan with them, but when the day finally comes and you meet them in real life, you find out that they’re just another human being. Now, that’s what we call getting “catfished.”
Do You Kiss Your Mother With That Mouth?
While we’ve really just been joking about most of these tweets, there really is some truth to this one. It’s a little bizarre to judge someone for being a cat lover when you willingly let your dog lick your lips every other second of the day.

We totally understand the love that you have for your pup, but that just ain’t sanitary. And as much as you hate us for being honest, you know we’re right.
Conveniently Cute
It’s one thing to be a dog person, and we understand that some people just prefer them over cats, but it’s a completely different story to be so obsessed with dogs that you’d willingly hurt a kitty.

Obviously, we know that Twitter user @david8hughes is just playing around — or, so we hope — but if anyone threw our cat out of the window, you better believe we’d come for that person regardless of how cute the dog is. Don’t mess with cats or cat lovers, and don’t say we didn’t warn you.
Ding Dong
In all honesty, we wouldn’t be surprised if a cat was able to learn how to ring the doorbell. After all, Jack Byrnes (Robert De Niro) was able to potty train Jinx the cat in Meet the Parents. And by the way, people have done the same thing with their cats in real life (for real).

All we’re saying is that if Twitter user Philip wasn’t around to ring the bell, who says that this little kitty cat couldn’t learn how to ring the bell himself? Don’t put it past the little guy.
No Discrimination
Whether you’re a cat lover or a dog person, all of us pet owners speak in weird voices when we’re having a conversation with our four-legged friends; there’s no denying that.

Johnathan here doesn’t have a preference and he definitely doesn’t discriminate — he just wants to be handed a fluffy, cuddly animal who will look at him with adoration while he speaks in the weirdest voice he can muster.
Cannot Be Trusted
Hmm, this tweet is an interesting one. Whether or not it’s true is a totally different story, but still, it does make sense in a way. After all, cats are independent and walk to the beat of their own drum. Dogs, well, dogs walk to whatever beat you give them.

They don’t mind giving up control as long as their companion is happy — which really is a great thing. But cats are awesome, too, and anyone who disagrees may have a thing about being in control.
Fight the Power
When a battle like this one continues for as long as it has eventually, there will be activists that rise out of the ashes. This person is one of those types and she feels like the felines species has been bound and gagged for a long time.

This comes across as overly severe and the capitalized sentences just add to the intensity. But then again, you can believe whatever you want to believe, after all, this is a free country!
Animal Politics
Why do people automatically think you hate cats if you like dogs? And visa versa? This person seems to believe that it depends on which camp you reside in. Clearly, they think cat people are a little more tolerant.

Is that true? Who knows, but they definitely encountered a dog person or two that made them believe this to be true. We do not agree with their representation of a typical dog person at all. No animal deserves to be extinct!
Backhanded Compliment
No matter who the pet is, the fact that they are there to be your companion is what really matters. But cats and dogs can be the one thing that makes you feel that you have a purpose. That means that despite what you think of them, they are important.

Whether they’re evil geniuses, know-it-alls, or more on the slow-side intellectually, they’re still yours, and you should love them unconditionally. Unrelated side note: who names their cat Steven?
Let Them Go
We have already established that cats are known to be more independent and on their own mission in life. We can also agree that dogs require more constant attention. But with that being said, that doesn’t mean to say then that the owners must have the opposite traits.

We bet there are micro-managers out there that own cats, just like there are ones that own dogs. Nothing is so black and white so let’s give these stereotypes a break. We’re truly just tired of correcting them.
Cat people understand that there are people that don’t like cats. This may be a little upsetting because they don’t understand it, but they tend to let it go as they know it’s not a comment on them.

But it seems that dog owners take more offense to it. Well, that is at least what @_huntsman_ feels. Truth be told, we know dog people AND cat people like this so if we’re going to be accusatory then let’s blame both parties here!