The Dry Tears
The fake teardrop is definitely one of the most popular and common prison tattoos. It’s also one of the easiest to identify, as most inmates have the tattoo on their face, just beneath the eye (so that it looks as though the person is actually crying).

Most of the time, the tears simply indicate that the person has done time in prison. However, in some cases, it can also mean that the person has attempted or succeeded in taking someone’s life.
Hailing the Wrong Person
If you ever see the number ‘1488’ tattooed on someone’s body, be sure to avoid them at all costs. This number is not referring to a year but rather a reference to a slogan of an American white supremacist. The 14 portion refers to the awful 14-word phrase ‘we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.’

The ‘88’ refers to the 8th letter of the alphabet or ‘HH’. This is a link to a famed former German Leader and his well-known mantra. In other words, having this tattoo on their body symbolizes their disturbing racial beliefs. Yuck — we know we’ll be avoiding this sort of person at all costs. Racism and supremacy are never okay.
Incarcerated Kings
The Incarcerated Kings tattoo is a widely popular gang tattoo, particularly amongst Latinos. This tattoo shows a five-point crown and lets other inmates know that the person is a part of ‘The Latin Kings.

This tattoo is usually found on the neck or back and shows the person’s loyalty to their group. You may also find the letters ‘ALKN’ alongside the crown — this stands for ‘Almighty Latin Kings Nation.’
Opposite Realities
Some people love clowns, while others hate them. If you see a clown tattoo on a prisoner, it will either be depicted as happy or sad. As we’re sure you can guess, the tattoo is not meant to be a funny one.

This tattoo is used to signify opposing situations — for example, ‘laugh now, cry later’ or ‘play now, pay later’. In Brazil, however, the tattoo is used to show that the person has not just taken a person’s life but a police officer’s life in their lifetime.
Hell’s Angel
Hell’s Angels is a motorbike gang that rides around on Harley Davidson’s. The group is international and consists of 3000 to 3600 members. Since their formation, authorities have suspected them of running some sort of crime syndicate within their club.

Members of this gang can be found with the tattoo ‘Angel Forever, Forever Angel’ or ‘AFFA.’ If anyone who is not a part of the gang is found to be sporting the tattoo, members of the group have been known to take rather drastic action against them.
A Plan to Break Free
In the popular series Prison Break, the main character is covered head-to-toe in tattoos. These tattoos are used to cover up his plan to escape from the prison. In real life, portraying a prison break on your skin is a sign of boldness and bravery.

Usually, people with these tattoos are highly respected by their fellow inmates. However, if they were really planning an escape, it may be smarter to keep the plan to themselves.
A Number for the Letter ‘N’
Most numerical prison tattoos have significant meaning behind them, usually relating to a gang or prison group. The number ‘14’ refers to the 14th letter of the alphabet or ‘N.’

The Latino Kings (or Norteno Gant) can often be seen sporting this number on their skin. In prison, the white supremacists and Latino gangs usually don’t see eye to eye, which results in a number of conflicts.
A Spider’s Web
The spider web tattoo is only second to one (the teardrop tattoo) in terms of the most popular prison ink. Like the teardrop, the web usually just signifies that the wearer has spent time behind bars. Sailors used to have the same tattoo to symbolize their long wait to go home.

In some cases, it can also be linked to white supremacist groups, but this is becoming less common. More and more civilians are getting the web tattooed on their skin, which indicates that the meaning behind it is being forgotten.
The Three Leaf Clover
The three-leaf clover tattoo has nothing to do with Irish folklore or luck. Instead, this shamrock tattoo (or ‘the rock’ tattoo, as it’s called in prison) is used to signify something much darker.

Usually accompanied by the letters ‘AB’ or the number ‘666’, the rock is worn by members of the Aryan Brotherhood gang. This is yet another white supremacist group who are known for their heinous crimes against minority inmates.
Cracker Bolts
What looks to be a harmless lightning bolt tattoo to us actually has a much deeper and more evil meaning behind the walls of prison. Also called ‘Cracker Bolts,’ this simple tattoo is similar to the swastika.

The tattoo is used to show a person’s affinity to white supremacist groups, such as the Nazis. In prison, the tattoo is often ‘awarded’ to people who commit crimes against inmates of other races.
A Symbol of Time Behind Bars
The barbed wire tattoo first started making an appearance during World War 2. Amongst prisoners of war, the ink was used to symbolize their time spent behind bars. From there, it made its way into prisons and became popular amongst criminals.

After every year that an inmate spends in prison, an extra barb is added to the wire. The tattoo is especially popular in Russia but is becoming more and more common amongst civilians who probably don’t know its actual meaning.
Trapped Behind Four Walls
The five-dot tattoo has a number of meanings in different cultures and religions. It is normally arranged in a quincunx and placed between the index finger and thumb. As with many other tattoos on our list, it is used to signify that a person has done time in prison.

In the simple tattoo, the single dot in the center represents the prisoner, while the four surrounding dots signify the four walls of their prison cell. Strangely enough, Thomas Edison had this tattoo on his forearm, but we assume it had a different meaning.
Evil, Wicked, Mean, and Nasty
If you ever run into a person who has the letters ‘EWMN’ tattooed on their body, be sure to stay as far away from them as possible. This tattoo stands for ‘evil, wicked, mean, and nasty’ and, as you can imagine, is used to describe the characteristics of the person.

A prisoner who has this tattoo is unlikely to hold back if they were to get into a fight. The ink is not specific to any gang and is usually done across the knuckles (so that it can be seen in a fight).
A Ring of Friendship
This crown tattoo should not be mistaken for the crown tattoo worn by members of the Latino Kings gang. If found on an inmate’s finger, the crown is adapted from the Irish Claddagh — which symbolizes friendship, love, and loyalty.

Members who are part of the same gang and who develop a very close bond will usually share this tattoo. In other words, it is used to symbolize a brotherhood amongst inmates. Not all prison tattoos are doom and gloom!
Not a Sign of Death or Disaster
Skulls are usually used to share a message of death or threats of disaster. However, in prison, they don’t actually have anything to do with this. Instead, the skull is used to show that the person is not afraid of correctional officers.

In other words, it is worn as a sort of challenge to authority. The SS also included a skull as a part of their insignia. For this reason, it is also a popular tattoo amongst white supremacists and Nazi supporters. Where do these people even come from?!
Showing One’s Status in the Russian Mob
Epaulets are commonly worn by members of authority, such as soldiers, police officers, etc. In these scenarios, they are used to show off a person’s rank, and in prison, it’s no different. Epaulets are sometimes tattooed onto a person’s shoulders to show that they are a part of the Russian Mob.

The tattoo is designed in different ways in order to show their rank in the mob. For example, it can show that the person is a Captain, Lieutenant, or Colonel. A skull on the shoulder of the epaulet shows that they have taken someone’s life.
Not a Religious Tattoo
Not all cross tattoos are related to religion. If you see a prisoner with a large cross tattooed on any part of their body, it may be a symbol of their gang-related status. The larger the tattoo is, the more important a member they are within their gang.

The symbol originated in Russia but has become popular all over the world. Most prisoners choose to have the cross tattooed on their chest, but it is also sometimes found on the upper arm or thigh.
Gambling With More Than Money
If a prisoner has playing cards tattooed on any part of their body, it usually means that they like to gamble. They could enjoy gambling with money or, which is more often the case, they aren’t afraid to gamble with their lives.

In Russian prisons, each suit comes with a unique meaning. For example, the clubs symbolize more general crimes, while spades are reserved for thieves. Strangely enough, the hearts mean that the person is looking for love in prison.
A Hitman For Hire
If a prisoner has a tattoo of a knife through their neck, it means that they have committed the worst crime possible before. More so, they will do it again if necessary… or if they are paid to do it.

The prisoner might even have a hitman-for-hire business in the prison, meaning that they are using the tattoo as a way to advertise their services to fellow inmates. Sometimes, they will also add one drop of blood for every person they have taken from the planet.
Ladies and Roses
It’s completely normal for someone to get a picture of their wife or significant other tattooed on some part of their body. However, if you see a portrait of a woman on a prisoner’s skin, just know that there may be another meaning behind it.

In Russian prisons, an inmate with tattoos of women is likely part of the Russian mafia. The women are usually pictured on the chest. Recently, inmates of the mafia have also started using roses to signify their allegiance.
Salvadorian Gang Signs
The MS-13 tattoo is a symbol of the Mara Salvatrucha gang. The marking, which is also sometimes written as just MS or 13, is normally found anywhere on the body that is highly visible.

This gang originates from El Salvador and is highly respected (or feared) by other gangs. For this reason, the tattoo serves as a way to protect its members from other gangs.
Dodging a Firing Squad
In the 1900s, many Russian prisoners got tattoos of whoever was leading the country at the time in the hopes that firing squads would refuse to shoot at the image of their leaders. While their plan didn’t work, it did create a new trend in prisons.

Instead, guards simply made the prisoners turn around so that they didn’t have to look at their tattoo while ending their lives.
Locked Up and Alone
Tattoos of chains have become incredibly popular in the past few years as a way to show the prisoners’ situation of being locked up or repressed. In many cases, the prisoner will add a single link to the chain for every year that they have been incarcerated.

Some prisoners only get the tattoo once they have been released from jail in order to show that they were once locked up but have now broken free.
Losing Track of Time
In everyday life, a tattoo of a clock is a popular choice, as it can represent stability, morality, etc. However, in prison, it has a much sadder meaning. If you ever come across a prisoner with a broken clock on their skin, they have likely been in prison for a very long time.

Usually, you will see prisoners who have a life sentence (or who are doing so much time that it is basically their whole life) with a clock to indicate that they have lost track of time. It could also mean that time has no meaning to them in prison because every day is the same.
The Guerilla Family
A key tattoo normally means unlocking one’s potential, or, in some cultures, it is given to people on their 21st birthday to represent them coming of age. In prison, a small, black key tattooed on the skin means something completely different.

Prisoners with this tattoo are a part of a gang called the Black Guerilla Family. The gang first began in order to try to protect the rights of American American prisoners. However, in recent years, they have become a criminal organization.
A Crazy Life
Prisoners who are part of a gang will get three small black dots, arranged in a triangle, tattooed on their bodies. These dots stand for ‘mi vida loca’ or ‘my crazy life.’ While this confirms that the person is a part of a gang, it does not indicate which gang they belong to.

This specific tattoo is most popular amongst members of the Mexican mafia. It can also be easily created with a poke method that uses the most basic equipment, which is why it’s so popular in prisons.
The Nuestra Family
Mexico has a genre of music called Norteno. However, if you ever come across a prisoner with the word ‘Norteno’ tattooed on their skin, just know that they are not necessarily massive Norteno music fans.

Instead, the tattoo is referring to a gang that can be found in Northern California. They are one of the most hardcore and ruthless prison gangs, often associated with the Aryan Brothers.
Puss in Boots
Cats are considered the silent thieves of the animal kingdom, as they hunt patiently and move quickly. For this reason, the cat ‘Puss in Boots’ is a popular symbol amongst thieves in Russia.

On top of this, cats enjoy their freedom and don’t necessarily do well with authority. This makes the cat tattoo a popular choice amongst prisoners, as it represents the life that they want to live.
I’m sure we’ve all heard the saying ‘an eye for an eye.’ This common saying implies that if someone has done wrong to you, you should get your revenge by punishing them in a manner that inflicts the same amount of pain or inconvenience.

In prison, this is taken very seriously. For this reason, you will find that the eyeball is quite a popular tattoo choice amongst prisoners. These designs can get quite gruesome, but did we expect anything else?
Mary and her Child
Strangely enough, some prisoners choose to ink their skin with artwork to show off how at home they feel while locked up. The picture of Mary feeding her child is the most common tattoo in this scenario.

The prisoner identifies with the child, while Mary is used to signify prison. In other words, they feel safe and warm in the arms of Mary (or behind the walls of the prison).
Gun and firearm tattoos are the most popular among American prisoners. In most cases, it simply means that the person has committed a life involving crime.

There are a lot of weapons out there for inmates to choose from, meaning that you will find some creative and unique designs. However, just remember that no matter how cool they may look, these criminals are usually some of the most aggressive.
Animals and Their Characteristics
Animals represent a wide variety of characteristics in different cultures around the world. For example, each month of the year is represented by a different animal in Asian cultures.

In prison, some gangs are represented by animals. On the other hand, prisoners may get tattoos of animals that they identify with. The wolf, for example, represents solitude, bravery, and fierceness.
A Kremlin is a cathedral in Russian culture. If a Russian prisoner has completed their sentence, they may get a tattoo of a Kremlin tattooed on their chest. If they served a long sentence, they would add many domes to their cathedral.

Most of the time, this tattoo is as big as possible, making the chest a popular choice. However, you may also see it on an ex-convict’s back.
Norse Mythology
One of the most recognizable symbols of ancient Norse mythology is the Valknut, which shows three interlocking triangles. This symbol is an ancient tattoo that the Vikings used to honor their fallen brothers who had died in battle.

In modern times, the Valknut is used by white supremacists to honor their brotherhood of members behind bars. The symbol also represents reincarnation and the three planes or dimensions of the world.
An Eight-Point Star
The eight-point star has a similar meaning to Puss in Boots in Russian culture. You will find this tattoo on the skin of Russian thieves who have committed themselves to a life of crime.

If the star is located on a prisoner’s shoulder, it indicates that they are ranked highly within a criminal organization. If the star is found on their knees, it is a message that they will not bend to the commands of authority.
Tulips and Roses
Unlike in everyday life, flowers don’t have a romantic meaning in prison. The most popular flower tattoos amongst the incarcerated are the rose and tulip. In Russian culture, these flowers are used to identify inmates who have been behind bars since before they were 18 years of age.

Youth who spend most of their lives in prison are likely to join a gang. In Asian culture, flowers are often used to identify members of various gangs.
White Supremacy Tattoos
One common tattoo that bald white supremacists get is the word ‘skinhead’. They will usually have the tattoo inked on the face or somewhere else visible. As if a shaved head isn’t intimidating enough, this tattoo will definitely do the trick!

Other symbols and pictures will often accompany the singular word to show their devotion to their gangs. Let’s just say it’s rather easy to identify a white supremacist in prison, and, unfortunately, there are a lot of them.
More Than Meets the Eye
A hooded executioner is just about the most terrifying tattoo that you could find on a person. Not only does it look scary, but the meaning behind it is even worse. As you can imagine, the executioner itself means that the person has committed the most serious offense.

However, if the executioner is holding an ax or weapon of some kind, it signals that the person has taken the life of more than one person from the same family. If you ever notice someone with this tattoo, be sure to stay clear of them!
Creepy Crawlies
Spiders are a common theme in prisons, but the spider itself has a completely different meaning to their webs. The location of the spider actually determines what message the prisoner is trying to get across.

If it appears to be crawling upwards on the skin, it suggests that the inmate is still active as a criminal. However, if it is crawling downward, the person has retired from the world of crime and is trying to turn their life around.
La Eme
‘La Eme’ or ‘The M’ is essentially a symbol of the Mexican mafia. This gang is one of the most aggressive and brutal in the prison system. They are also allied with the white supremacist group, the Aryan Brotherhood.

This tattoo is usually found in big, bold letters across the chest or back of inmates. They are rivals of the Latino gang, the Nuestra Familia, and are known for being absolutely ruthless when things get heated. We know one thing for certain… we wouldn’t want to be around if things kicked off.
Tattoos are a popular part of many cultures and have been around for centuries. Some people decide to get a tattoo in order to symbolize an important part of their lives, while others simply like how they look. One place where you will be sure to see tattoos of all shapes and sizes is prison. There is a specific tattoo for just about every crime or inmate situation out there. Below, we will be discussing 40 common prison tattoos and the meaning behind each of them.