A Bear-y Interesting City Hall
Have you ever wondered why the California state flag has a bear on it? It’s thanks to grizzly bears being a common sight back in the early days of the state and representing strength and power.

This poor bear may not be a grizzly, but he was clearly just honoring his ancestors and state’s history. The city hall should be honored that he graced them with his presence! We’re 100% with Dragana’s response on this one.
Ping After Ping
Smart kitchen appliances are the latest technological innovation that will supposedly revolutionize the way we cook and eat. They’re equipped with advanced features such as Wi-Fi connectivity, voice control, and artificial intelligence — making meal prep and grocery shopping quicker and easier.

While this is a funny response, there’s a difference between being smart and being a full-on functioning robot! Although we have to admit that a fridge being able to close itself would be pretty cool… that is, at least until it malfunctions and opens itself instead.
Because It’s Past Tents
Learning grammar is one of the most tedious parts of education for most students, but knowing how to use it properly is incredibly important when it comes to writing well or sounding professional when you speak.

An added bonus of knowing your grammar well is being able to make genius jokes like the one in this response. To the untrained eye, it’s just another guy correcting someone’s grammar on the internet — but to the rest of us, it’s a great cheesy joke.
Don’t Forget the Floor
With over 30 million members, r/AskReddit is one of the largest communities on Reddit, and questions can be anything from thought-provoking discussions to light-hearted topics where users share their opinions. Some people love to respond with very literal answers.

Well… they aren’t wrong, are they? Sure, there are houses out there that don’t have floors, but we wouldn’t want to live in one; although walking around barefoot in a house with floors often makes your feet just as dirty as they’d be if your floors were made of dirt.
Everyone Gets Smashed
Valentine’s Day is probably one of the most controversial holidays. It’s partly because it’s become so commercialized, and it’s partly because single people are sick and tired of being left out, and couples are sick and tired of the pressure to impress with fancy flowers and elaborate dinners.

Valentine’s Day also comes with the expectation of certain other “romantic interactions,” if you catch our drift, but this guy’s interpretation of a drastic asteroid collision is so funny that we kind of want it to happen.
Mixed Signals and Blinker Blunders
Blinkers are one of the most abused parts of driving a vehicle. Some people straight up can’t be bothered to use them at all, while others leave them on for miles, making you wonder whether they’ll ever actually turn.

Maybe she was just trying to signal her indecisiveness about which way to turn in life, or perhaps she just wanted to confuse the other drivers and keep them on their toes. Either way, let’s just hope she didn’t end up driving in circles, which would have been extra confusing.
Strangely-Shaped Pool Tables
When it comes to pool, we’re all used to the standard rectangular shape that graces dark, musty corners of many establishments. But did you know that pool tables come in different shapes and sizes, like this L-shaped table, called a right-angle pool table?

This response is clever, but it’s also a bit of a stretch. Maybe the standard pool table is shaped like a lowercase L if you’re drawing bubble letters, but that’s the only way it makes sense!
What’s in a Name?
There’s a Facebook group for just about anything you can think of. Want help with how to use your air fryer? Facebook has got a group for it. Struggling to identify a plant? There’s a group for that, too — like the one where this was posted.

You’ve got to appreciate a good taking-things-too-literally joke, and this person nailed it with their response. Sure, the original poster is still left wondering what kind of plant it is, but at least they’ll take good care of George.
You Are My Sun, Bro
Sunflowers are not only a symbol of summer and sunshine, but they’re also some of the coolest plants on the planet. From their height and bright colors to their unique ability to follow the sun (hence the name), sunflowers have captivated people for centuries.

You read the uplifting fact that the first responder shared and think, “Wow, it can’t possibly get any cuter,” but then you see the cute little sunflower dialogue and find yourself feeling misty-eyed and wondering why you want to cry over flowers.
Pathetic and Forgettable
Humans are like sloths, except sloths are way more productive. At least sloths get stuff done, like sleeping for 15 hours a day and hanging out in trees. Humans just sit in traffic and stare at screens all day.

If this person’s survival strategy is to be as pathetic as a sloth, then we’re pretty worried about them. Maybe they’re just trying to take the term “couch potato” to a whole new level.
All the Copies at Once
Printers are one of those things that we all use, yet few of us understand how they actually work. Like banging a faulty remote on our hand, if something won’t print, we just press “print” over and over until something happens.

This person’s response could not have been more perfect. If we were to rate it, it would definitely be a 10/10. If it didn’t make you laugh, then you’ve clearly never run into problems with printers before!
No Money Put Aside
Money makes the world go round. We all wish it wasn’t so, but unfortunately, that’s just the reality that we live in. So when people ask silly questions on Twitter, they can expect silly answers.

Lots of people can’t just put money aside, whether literally or metaphorically speaking, so this response said what we were all thinking. Almost everything we need can be bought with money, except maybe love and happiness, but those are overrated anyway.
It’s a Bracelet
Dating as a teenager is like playing a game of telephone. By the time you figure out if you’re actually in a relationship or not, you’re already broken up and onto the next round. It’s like a never-ending game of emotional whack-a-mole.

To be fair, this kid’s question was super vague and deserved a silly response. A sign of what, exactly? That she’s dreaming of a teenage wedding? That she wants to date you after explicitly saying she loves you? Who knows.
Let’s See Those Ears
Perhaps you’ve heard of a “glow-up.” It’s when someone who deemed themselves unattractive in the past went through changes and now sees themselves as attractive. It’s often as much about confidence as it is about appearance.

This funny response is also a pretty valid question. Did he grow into his ears? To be fair, we think he looks like a cutie-patootie as a kid, too — large ears or not. We all go through that awkward, don’t-want-to-smile-in-photos phase.
Idiot Bird Got Owned
Have you ever heard of amigurumi? It’s a Japanese term for making very realistic animals out of yarn by crocheting, and it’s pretty incredible what some people can do — so incredible, in fact, that you often have to look twice to even realize it isn’t real.

Most people would have done the same thing, Shane, so we sympathize with your response. That bird looks way more realistic than the chip bag. One has to wonder if any actual pigeons fell for it as well.
Looks Just Like You
No one wants to admit it, but there’s one thing that everyone knows deep down: some babies are just ugly. Sure, it sounds harsh, but there are some who just don’t have that universal adorable baby appeal.

While this response is hilarious, there’s no best way to tell someone their baby is ugly, nor is there a need to. Parents see their babies as perfect beautiful angels, and none of us have the right to ruin that for them.
From Joke to Dad Joke
Dad jokes are the ultimate form of humor for dads. Think of them as the comedic equivalent of dad sneakers — they might not be cool, but they’re comfortable and dependable. And just like dad sneakers, sometimes they’re so bad, they’re good.

This person managed to respond to a question about when jokes become “dad jokes” with a dad joke. It’s like dad joke inception, and it’s blowing our minds. It’s the response of all responses.
Lots of Money Saved
If there’s one thing that women in the spotlight know all too well, it’s that there’s always going to be some tabloid analyzing and criticizing every single thing that they wear. For some, it means never wearing the same thing twice.

That’s not the case for Kate Middleton, though. She’s just one of the gals! She knows coats shouldn’t be disposable, and therefore makes us feel better as we wear the same coat for the eighth season in a row.
A Dog Named Kevin
For some reason, it’s hilarious when humans give their pets human-sounding names. Instead of the typical Spot or Whiskers, imagine a rabbit named Frank and a tabby cat named Alicia, or in this case, a dog named Kevin.

The funny thing about this is that the dog’s name is so normal to its owner that they didn’t think twice about whether it would sound weird to their guest, making the guest’s response perfectly justified.
It’s in the Game
One of the most annoying things about modern gaming is microtransactions. It’s when video games are released for free or a certain cost, but then you have to pay even more to gain access to certain features, levels, or items.

EA, like many other video game companies, has fallen victim to the overuse of these tactics, which players are sick and tired of — hence this person’s brilliant response. What we want to know is why 760 people thought it was worth retweeting!
Lack of Intelligence and Maturity
Speaking of video games, some people are convinced that it’s a hobby that only kids should enjoy. It’s pretty unfair, since hobbies are hobbies and as long as people aren’t hurting others with their hobbies, there’s no harm in them.

This isn’t a funny response, but it’s a spot-on one. We all have different ways to wind down and spend our free time, and playing video games has nothing to do with being a good romantic partner!
Rebooting the System
Sneezes are our body’s way of clearing out our nose, and coughing is our body’s way of clearing out our throats. So, what happens when the two happen at the same time? Pretty weird things, apparently.

Well, that’s an interesting way to reboot your system. Who needs juice cleanses? Maybe she just needed a quick nap to process all that sneeze-coughing (or would it be snoughing?). It’s like hitting Ctrl+Alt+Delete on your body.
The Wrong Path
People on social media love to try and be all deep and insightful, but it’s often reaching. So, when this girl posted this photo with this ridiculous quote, it was bound to get some funny responses.

Sure, she’s referring to right and wrong, not right and left, but she was asking for that one. She needs some lessons from Dr. Seuss about getting a bit more creative with her wording.
It’s Not That Hard
Tony Hawk video games were a staple of many childhoods. People would spend hours grinding rails and pulling off sick tricks, all while listening to punk rock anthems. It’s a nostalgia trip back to simpler times, when our biggest worry was pushing buttons in the right order.

We certainly did not see that response coming, which is what makes it so great. If Tony Hawk didn’t laugh at that, then he’s not the cool, chill guy we all know him to be.
A Good Hard Look
Facebook is full of “challenges,” like naming a country whose name lacks certain vowels or math-related puzzles. The posts are usually just excuses for public pages to go viral, but people like to ignore that fact.

From the boonies to the looney bin on the moon, there’s nothing quite like a good pool in Cameroon. You can even cook a noodle stew, but don’t forget the goo. Then, go look at a book to expand your voo-cabulary.
From the Neck Down
When life gives you lemons — in this case, in the form of a disability — you’ve got to have a sense of humor. Otherwise, the weight of the world can just become too much, like the “some days” this person refers to.

We sure hope that “He’s holding his hands above his neck” made this person laugh, because it’s a funny response that lightens the mood without mocking the original poster. We all need a good laugh sometimes.
Can’t Spell Reaching Without Each
Social media posts that make sweeping generalizations about the opposite sex are outdated and overdone. They’re not funny or witty, which @Ironman pointed out in his responses.

You can’t spell meat without eat, you can’t spell box without ox, and you can’t spell charm without arm. Look, we can play this silly game, too! But, it doesn’t make it a good one. You can’t spell manipulative without “pula” either, but that’s less exciting.
Ugly, Not Stupid
It’s not nice to criticize people’s appearance, but what if you could get paid to let people do it to you? That’s the scenario that this person is proposing, which is a bit weird.

The thing is that people say stuff like that to others for free, so why the heck wouldn’t someone let them say it for $200? It’s a lot easier to compartmentalize the insult and bury it deep if you’re getting money to do so.
A Unique Kind of Immunity
Growing up in an “unconventional” family gives those children a very different experience to those in the stereotypical mother-father household. Whether it’s being raised by a single parent, a grandparent, or same-gender parents, those kids usually have a unique perspective.

Now, this has got to be old, because we’re pretty sure kids these days don’t go around making “Yo Mama” jokes anymore. That gets left to adults like the commenter, whose comment is absolutely hilarious, even if that’s not how things work.
Are You Taking It?
Have you ever felt useless or unwanted? Have you ever got mad at yourself after eating the entire packet of Oreos? Have you ever wondered why you torture yourself with too little sleep? If you answered yes, you may be a victim of self-loathing.

If you are, like Chris here in his response, the good news is that you’re entitled to $150,000 from Lotty. Just don’t spend it all on more packs of Oreos to binge eat.
Personally, For Me
No matter how hard they try, some people out there just aren’t meant to understand grammar or be good at spelling. It gets even more difficult if they’re learning those things in a second or third language.

It’s unfair to criticize them, but if you’re going to, then you should be certain that what you’re saying is correct, or otherwise you’re gonna look pretty silly. Personally, that response was perfect for us.
You Might Be a Dog
Being in a relationship can be hard, especially when struggling with insecurities. Constantly seeking validation and reassurance can create tension and mistrust, which causes a vicious cycle of self-doubt and strains the relationship dynamic.

All of that’s okay when you’re a dog, though. We’d love to know how this doggo learned to type and post on Reddit. He must be a very good boy. Or he’s just a very needy boyfriend with a sense of humor.
Most Purest Forms of Love
There are a lot of little things that our partners do that are romantic and meaningful, but being kissed while asleep isn’t usually considered one of them. How do you even know your partner is kissing you?

We can think of a few situations where being kissed while you’re asleep is pretty creepy, in addition to being in prison like this funny response says. In hospital post-surgery, when you’re super sick, and while napping on the bus also come to mind!
Don’t Judge by the Cover
Judging a book by its cover is like ordering food based on the picture on a menu. Sure, it might look good, but it could be a total letdown. Unless you’re really hungry, in which case just go for it and hope for the best!

Burning books is way too dystopian-esque, especially when the ones doing it don’t even know why they’re doing it! What a waste of a valuable resource someone else may have needed.
Video Game Logic
Video game logic is a set of rules within a game that often defy real-world logic like getting hit several times without dying, or when you can carry an absurd amount of very heavy items. But hey, it’s part of the fun of gaming.

To be fair, being able to look at your health stats would be a godsend for people with chronic health conditions or with undiagnosed illnesses, or even just to help us figure out which food it is that keeps giving us horrible gas!
The Giant Trash Island
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, located in the Pacific Ocean between Hawaii and California, is a huge area of floating trash and debris that is thought to be twice the size of Texas. We humans sure do generate a lot of trash.

The funniest thing about this is that England is on an island, but the island itself is actually Great Britain. So, the response is both funny and trash in and of itself.
Whacky McDonald’s Commercials
Who remembers the good old days of fast-food commercials, when the Taco Bell chihuahua would tell everyone how much he wanted Taco Bell, and Ronald McDonald would show up on screen and scare the crap out of you, because clowns are creepy?

Ronald McDonald went from selling burgers to scaring burglars. He traded in his happy meals for creepy deals, and now he’s the clown from IT. No wonder nobody wants to supersize anymore.
Things That Don’t Make Sense
The whole system for going to college is weird. People are constantly pushed into going for higher education in order to “get a better job,” yet many come out struggling to find work and dealing with massive loads of debt.

Then, like Corlin so perfectly pointed out in his response, they spend years and years paying off that debt. There’s got to be a better way to do it, hasn’t there? Maybe someday we’ll get there.
That Didn’t Workout
To “work out” is a phrasal verb that often means for something to be successful and go well, but it also means to exercise, so if that isn’t the perfect opportunity for a joke, we don’t know what is.

Said opportunity came up when Milyn overheard this awkward encounter at the gym. Wakanda shot her shot, and the cringiest of jokes was born. At least her response will give readers a mild chuckle as they scroll through their phones.
Give it a Little Slap
Picture this — you’re sitting on the sofa, and you try to turn the volume up just for your remote to choose that moment to rebel and not function. You give it a little whack a few times, and suddenly it’s like nothing happened.

Hitting the remote can jostle the batteries or components inside, helping them make better contact and function properly. Sure, this can potentially damage the remote over time, but we all like to not think about that.
Snap Your Fingers
No one would disagree that our world, as incredible as it may be, is riddled with problems. Things like climate change, hunger, and poverty are problems many of us would erase if we could — which is why this person asked this question on Twitter.

We’re pretty sure Kelly meant what it was about the world people would make better, but Eileen has got a point. This is why wording is everything when it comes to asking questions.
Every Woman’s Biggest Weakness
When people ask what a woman or man’s weakness is, they’re usually referring to romantic things, like they can’t resist a guy with blue eyes or a girl with blonde hair. But, those aren’t the only weaknesses.

Women are said to be more vulnerable to asteroid impacts because of their smaller stature. But, let’s be honest — if an asteroid hits Earth, we’re all pretty much toast. The only thing we can do is hope that Bruce Willis is available to save the day.
Average Number of Skeletons
Babies’ skeletons begin as soft cartilage which gradually hardens into bone over time. It starts in the center of the body and works its way out, ultimately resulting in the fully-formed skeleton that allows us to stand, walk, and dance (or at least attempt to).

Obviously, we all know that babies develop inside their mothers’ wombs, but there’s something about pointing out the skeletons specifically that makes this a bit creepy. Interesting, but creepy.
I Have No Life
We all go through phases where we have no life. We have our lazy periods, glued to the couch, unable or unwilling to interact with anything other than our fridge for snacks.

While this is a pretty funny response, if we’re being critical, those receiving CPR aren’t actually dead, or why would you be doing CPR on them? At least it wasn’t the typical lame example, like watching too much TV.
One of the best and worst parts of the internet is the people. While they can be incredibly toxic and infuriating, they can also be downright hilarious and show the funny, unique side of humanity. Thanks to them, we’ve compiled a list of people online who have had the most perfect response to a situation, and man, are they good!